Managing and investing in what we do

Our natural capital is a finite resource. With 7,000 acres of open moorland and 1,700 acres of woodland, the Swinton Estate is responsible for protecting and managing a huge swathe of wild open countryside.

From water, forestry and farming practices; through to listed buildings, moorland management and ancient woodlands – we work with government organisations, special partnerships and expert advisors to deliver effective environmental and conservation policies.

We are also actively engaged in protecting and improving the breeding habitats of some of our rarest species, across areas of conservation and sites of special scientific interest. We comply with best practice to deliver the highest standards in public, animal and plant health, environmental measures and animal welfare.

The Swinton Estate is committed to protecting and preserving both our natural landscape and heritage structures, with conservation forming a key part of our management strategy.

Bird Counts are regularly undertaken on the Estate to measure bird populations and species, and to help identify what steps may need to be taken to improve habitats further. Bird Hides have been built in the Parkland and at Druid’s Plantation and live webcams used to show images online of rare sights like nesting hen harriers. The Estate game management team maintains the SSSI moorland environment and a number of winter crops and wetland areas. This creates a balanced environment through predator control and habitat management, and is self sustained by harvesting a surplus of game birds. A large number of endangered birds from ground nesting waders to rare birds of prey flourish in this environment.

Located next to Swinton Park Hotel, the wild fallow deer herd is thought to have been on site since the late 1700s. The herd totals about 120 and roams freely within the confines of the deer park.

Forestry management helps to improve biodiversity and carbon capture across the Estate. This is achieved by regular thinning of the trees to allow sunlight through to the forest floor and a mix of natural regeneration and replanting where required after felling. The Estate is working towards management with continual cover canopy.

We manage the rivers Ure and Burn that flow through the Estate in conjunction with the Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust, Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water. Together we invest to improve the water quality and habitat by taking out redundant weirs that block fish movement, planting up banksides and fencing off stock to stop erosion. The Northern Fishing School and their associated charity Cancer and Pisces bring wellbeing to many new and established anglers.

Moorland management includes re-wetting by grip blocking and sphagnum planting. Wildfire mitigation by vegetation management through controlled burning and cutting. Stopping loss of habitat to invasive species like bracken by spraying, and control of disease carrying pests like tick through sheep management. Much of this is achieved through the Higher Level Stewardship working alongside moorland graziers.


Swinton Estate is at the forefront of research into the future of the rural landscape, and how the right balance can be struck between farming and food production, and protecting biodiversity and realising the value of our natural capital.

The Swinton Estate was also selected by the Environment Agency to take part in the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund to develop a model to enable ecoservices to be sold on a local and national basis via woodland creation. It has also taken part in DEFRA’s Landscape Recovery trial to see how this can be achieved in conjunction with farming tenants.

In addition to the above schemes, the Estate also complies with statutory DEFRA regulations to ensure delivery of the highest standards of public, animal and plant health, environmental measures and animal welfare.

Wild flower meadows

Over the last 10 years, the Estate has planted several wild flower meadows. These play an important part in regeneration of the natural landscape and improving biodiversity, providing habitats for insect life and ground nesting birds. Working with Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Beauty, the Estate has taken part in the donor meadow scheme and as its meadows have flourished the Estate is now a donor – contributing meadow hay to nearby fields that are converting to meadows. Whilst there have always been bee hives on the edge of the moorland, Swinton is supporting a further 60 hives on the Estate. Some of these will be positioned within a short distance of the new Community Orchard to aid pollination and increase the crop for juicing and cider making.

Agri-environmental schemes

Much of the farmland and moorland on the Swinton Estate is entered into voluntary five- and 10-year agri-environment schemes that are administered by Natural England. These deliver specific environmental management on the land for both the landscape and wildlife; supporting farming and land management practices on the Estate, along with meeting local and national conservation policies.

These include the restoration and maintenance of moorland & wet grassland for waders and wildfowl, and rough grazing for birds; the creation and maintenance of grassland for target features; low inputs on permanent grassland to encourage grassland and wild flower species; leaving buffer strips and field corners uncropped and overwintered stubble to provide winter feed and cover for birds; and hedgerow and in field tree management for wildlife corridors and the landscape.

For conservation enquiries, please contact the Estate Office on 01765 689224 or email

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