Peatland restoration

  • Restoration of peatland on Masham and Ilton Moors in North Yorkshire, creating an estimated carbon saving of 19,500 t CO2e
  • Water retention and purification achieved through the creation of a network of ‘Leaky dams’ , and sphagnum planting. Work monitored and follow up where required. 
  • Blocking and reducing sediment flow in 48,480m of drainage grip and 27,948m of eroding gullies
  • Reprofiling and revegetating eroding sides of additional 929m of drainage grips, 26,847m of gullies and 10,155m of peat hags
  • Revegetating 5.9ha of bare peat, eroding mineral soil and areas of microerosion
  • Cutting and inoculating 55ha of existing vegetation with harvested clumps and micro-propagated plugs of Sphagnum spp.
  • Ongoing data and verification gathered using drone technology. These works were done prior to the Peatland Carbon code so are not verified under that scheme. 

Tree planting

  • Creating 80ha of new mixed woodland with an emphasis on native species, diversity and resilience
  • Parkland-style agroforestry specifically designed in conjunction with tenant farmers
  • Riparian strip zones designed to enhance biodiversity, slow overland flow, reduce pollution, and improve aquatic ecosystems
  • Extensions to existing ancient woodland sites to protect and enhance value and resilience.

Fen and scrubland creation

  • Creating 8.7 ha of fen and scrubland with enhancement of existing meadow and fen and linear tree features.
  • 55 ha of upland fen creation and acid grassland fen enhancement, together with improvements to existing linear tree features

Increasing wildlife biodiversity

  • Nationally important biodiversity improvements, including growing ground nesting bird populations.
  • The top 1% of Hen harrier population and top 10% of curlew population (measured through Life on Land awards).
  • Ongoing habitat and predator control to help preserve these populations, measured by breeding bird surveys

Integrity is crucial to us, and we will work with you on a shared vision of a meaningful contribution to meet environmental and social objectives. 

For more information, please call our rural team on 01765 689224 or email

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